Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Podcast Episode 18

Episode 18: Listen HERE or refresh your iTunes!

  • The wing it cast! ... We didnt really plan for this because it's starting to get busy at work and home.
  • Killzone 3 beta: Is it good? Is it fixed? Was it broken?
  • Jason's BACK! And he's got a whole slew of games to tell us about in a rapid fire "whatcha play'n/mini review".
  • And finally we have been saving the most epic "Retail Horror" story for a rainy day we have nothing to talk about, so sit back and enjoy chris's epic tale of woe!


  1. Jeez... I should talk more often. I actually like me on this one.

  2. Jason needs to play more! And retail is horrible. I was robbed at gunpoint, so I feel your pain. Way to keep up the customer service... need help in cameras?

  3. If you want to hear my review with me talking opposed to reading. And hear Ryan say he doesn't want to play any of it.
