Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Sequel for a Prequel's Sequel

Here is what you should expect from my column: Final fantasy fanboyisms, game reviews, opinions, and theoretical ideas. I'm still working on a banner and those sorts of things so bear with me. So let's move to today's topic.

Many games just never seem to go away. Once they finally die off, it can often end on a bad note. What is the deal? It seems developers/producers keep pumping out more titles, which is good for fans, but often leaves the series a rampaging disaster that kills all enjoyment. As much as I love Final Fantasy and never want to see the series end, they have go sometime. Every game must end sometime and I would rather have them leave with a fantastic explosion of "I WANT MORE FF" than "I'm glad that's over..."

I recently beat Dead Space 2 (review on the way), and after all the credits there is a little audio that suggests a Dead Space 3. I was thinking that based on DS2 they should just let the game rest and always be known as an incredible horror series. The Uncharted series has so far been the best "new" series to grace today's videogame market. Deep down past all of my greed for more Uncharted games, I must admit it would be great if it ended at U3. However, with such a powerhouse of a game do you think Naughty Dog would stop that cash flow? Based on how everyone else seems to be acting, I doubt it.

Now for the big fish: Final Fantasy. There are more Final Fantasy games then there are Mexicans running across the southern borders of the U.S.A. It is almost like a cancer cell that wont die. I am sick with this Japanese RPG cancer. I love the series more than Jackie Chan loves apologizing during epic martial arts battles. Some people in other columns feel that the series is failing, and I would agree. Final Fantasy is no longer this life changing experience for people, but it still is for me. Someday within 30 years we may just see the end of this incredible empire, and then you will be sorry.

P.S I'm very happy Halo has been laid to rest, now all we have left to eliminate is Call of Duty, but even then it will probably just come back from the dead like Medal of Honor.


  1. This is retarded. Travis? I'm sorry, but you are a retard. Now run along and make a post that isn't about Final Fagasy.

  2. I'll say to you (random retard commenter) what I had to say to someone else today. He had the balls to post his writing somewhere. He at least deserves comments that are... a little less retarded than what you gave him.


  3. Lol I don't care. Last time I checked no one read anonymous comments.
